Community Events, Shopping
Kan-Okla 100+ Miles of garage sales and flea markets
September 5-7, 2024
Various locations in Northeast OK and Southeast KS
If you like garage sales and flea markets you will love 100 miles of them. Northeast Oklahoma & Southeast Kansas
Featuring City-Wide Yard Sales & Flea Markets.
Visit 30+ Antique Stores along the sale route.
Come explore over 100 miles of yard sales & flea markets, with everything from antique to unique, one of a kind treasures. Plan to spend the weekend having a fun filled shopping experience.Southeast Kansas along Hwy 75, 169 and 166
Northeast Oklahoma along Hwy 75, 169 and 60
Open Rain or Shine
To setup in a large group site, right on Highway 75, in Dewey, Oklahoma or Caney, Kansas, call 918-214-2443. Don't wait! There are deadlines for the maps and spaces at the group sites are filling up fast.